Ask women you know for advice on how to dress. I’m afraid the rumours are true: women really do judge men on how they dress. But don’t be too quick to dismiss this as shallow. I believe this actually derives from a self-defensive instinct that is inbuilt in all women. Creepy men tend to be socially awkward, and are therefore less likely to know how to dress well. They also present more of a potential danger to women, at least on an instinctive level, so it is very, VERY important that men know how to dress well! The best way to achieve this is to ask advice from girls you know. If you have a sister, ask her. Sisters can be fantastic sources of information on how men your age ought to dress (they will usually also be thrilled to be asked). If you don’t have any sisters or female friends, befriend a young mum at church or your gym or group class who is likely to be comfortable imparting this kind of advice. You could also talk to your friends’ girlfriends, or even girls you know reasonably well, where there is no physical attraction on either side.