And when I moved into the ward, I don’t like change. So I’m into this ward esposa costa-riquenho and the very first day I’m there, this guy is telling this story in the elders quorum meeting, which is the men’s group meeting. And he tells me, well, he tells everyone there. He says, “Well, then brother so and so wasn’t feeling so good. So me and brother Lloyd.” And my ears perk up because the Lloyds are who I did my discussions in their backyard.
And he’s like, “Brother Lloyd and I, we wanted to let this brother go fishing. So we made a little pond in brother Lloyd’s garage and stocked it with some fish so he could come over, sit in his wheelchair and fish.” And I’m just like, that’s such a weird story. And then I go up to him after and I go, this brother Lloyd, did he have two daughters and a son? Yeah. Did he live off of Lynnhurst over at such and such?