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It’s a big issue for a lot of guys, because photos have become central to the online dating experience

It’s a big issue for a lot of guys, because photos have become central to the online dating experience

This issue is also being helped by apps like Tinder introducing photo verification

. if you can select someone from any city in the world, it can be pretty overwhelming. It also means that you can be rejected by anyone in the world.

Also, Tinder’s The Future of Dating 2023 revealed that many people are now saying that feeling comfortable with someone is of higher importance than physical attractiveness

The next disadvantage of online dating is perhaps going to sound a bit strange, but a lot of men report that they don’t feel like they have good photos of themselves to upload. When I joined Tinder as their Global Research Expert, I remember talking to people in the company about how horrendous the men’s photos were.

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